Found a bug?

Please do not report bugs for bleeding-edge builds as they are often works-in-progress. Bug reports for the beta version are welcome though!
Current Bugs

If you think you've found a bug, follow these steps:

  1. Check to see if there are any bugs reported that describe what your bug is. If there are, don't create a new issue, but simply comment on the existing issue.
  2. Provide (if possible) steps to reproduce the bug
  3. Say which version of dokibox and OS X you are using
  4. If applicable, provide a screenshot of the bug
  5. If applicable, provide a link to a test file that causes the bug
In general, the more information you provide the easier it is to find and fix the bug!

Want to request a feature?

Feature Requests

If you think dokibox is missing something that you'd really like, feel free to request it by creating a new issue. Make sure you check before creating a new issue that no similar feature request already exists. If one does, just comment on that existing feature request to express your interest.

Frequently asked questions

What formats will dokibox play?
Out of the box (pun not intended), it will play MP3, FLAC, Ogg Vorbis, AAC and Apple Lossless (ALAC). More formats can be supported with plugins.
What version of Mac OS X does dokibox need?
Mac OS X 10.7+
What is dokibox licensed as?
dokibox itself is licensed under the BSD license.