Beta and bleeding-edge builds

These versions can be unstable and experimental. Use at your own risk.
Bleeding-edge builds

Unlike stable or beta releases, bleeding-edge builds are not cryptographically signed nor will they auto-update. If you see a warning about the lack of a code signature, this is expected and you will need to bypass it by ctrl+clicking the application and selecting open, followed by open again.

Bleeding-edge builds are built automatically when new code is submitted to the code repository. The current status of the master branch build is:

To get back to using the latest beta or latest stable release, just delete the application and re-download it from the website.

Source code

Source code

Bugfixes or new features are very welcome. Please create an issue with the patch attached or create a pull request on GitHub.

Build instructions

First of all, you will need to have cmake and the latest version of Xcode. If you have homebrew you can install cmake withbrew install cmakeand the latest version of Xcode can be obtained from the Mac App Store.

After checking out the code, run the following to build the required libraries:


Now you can open dokibox.xcodeprojand just build it in Xcode as usual.

Issue tracker

View issues

More detailed information on the procedure for reporting bugs is available on the support page.